NHS Cheshire and Merseyside July 2022 Blog
Friday, 1 July 2022

Welcome to NHS Cheshire and Merseyside.
So much work, by so many people, has gone into making today a reality. I am certain that colleagues across Cheshire and Merseyside will rise to, what I feel is, the best opportunity we have ever had to work together for the people we serve.
We are already very proud of our record of collaborative working across Cheshire and Merseyside and there are countless examples of brilliant care. However, there does exist some unwanted variation in service provision which only exacerbates health inequalities.
At its heart, integrated care is designed to improve patient experience and outcomes by bringing our services closer together.
Our vision for everyone in Cheshire and Merseyside is to have a great start in life and to receive the support they need to stay healthy and live longer. We will do this by working together, as equal partners, to support seamless, person-centred care and to tackle any health inequalities, by improving the lives of the poorest fastest.
I very much look forward to getting to know as many people as possible who either work, volunteer or have an interest in our joint work. And I very much look forward to the exciting challenges we will face together.
Raj Jain - Chair