Millions show vaccine is the way forward
Monday, 10 October 2022

More than six million doses of the Covid-19 vaccine have now been given to people across Cheshire and Merseyside.
The milestone comes as figures show around 275,000 people have also come forward for the Autumn booster in the first month since its launch.
NHS invitations have been landing on doorsteps for the last month, and eligible people can book an appointment week using the National Booking Service or by calling 119. You can also find a local vaccination walk-in site - which are located across Cheshire and Merseyside.
Currently anyone aged 65 or over, those with weakened immune systems, pregnant women, frontline health and care staff and with those who live with people with certain health conditions as well as their carers can book an appointment for the Autumn Covid-19 booster on the NBS system.
The autumn booster vaccine covers people against the original and latest variants of Covid-19, including Omicron. We are now starting to see almost 100,000 people a week coming forward to further protect their immunity.
GPs, pharmacists, and hospital hubs will jab more than a million people at greater risk from the Covid-19 virus in this latest phase. Those eligible are able to book their appointment online or over the phone on 119.
As the booster programme rolls out, more people will become eligible, including everyone aged 50 and over, and people with certain health conditions which put them at risk. They will also receive invites to come forward and book appointments in the next few weeks.
NHS Cheshire and Merseyside has begun its annual programme of flu vaccinations, with the Flu vaccine being offered to more vulnerable groups first.
Younger children, older people, those in clinical risk groups and pregnant women will be able to book an appointment for a flu vaccine at their GP practice or a pharmacy.
From mid-October, people aged 50 to 64 years old who aren’t in a clinical risk group, will also be able to get their free flu vaccine.
Where available, people will be able to get both Covid and flu vaccines at the same time, although if this is not possible then everyone eligible is urged to get the jabs separately, as quickly as they can.
Jayne Wood, Vaccine Director for Cheshire and Merseyside, said: “It is clear that we are facing a challenging winter as we are expecting continued prevalence of Covid-19 plus a resurgence in flu for the first time since the pandemic began.
“It is absolutely still the case that being fully vaccinated against Covid-19 is the best way for people to protect themselves and those around them who might be vulnerable. The same goes for the flu vaccination, so please get vaccinated if eligible to maximise your overall protection and boost your immunity this winter.”
The Autumn booster campaign is part of a package of NHS measures to prepare for winter, including ramping up bed capacity and increasing the number of 999 and NHS 111 staff to deal with additional pressure.
You can book an appointment or find your local vaccination service online or by calling 119.